Bolemin Zakład Drobiarski
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polska gęś owsiana
 Hodowla, Produkcja i Eksport gęsi
zakład drobiarski bolmin
Kulinarne przysmaki z gęsiny

danie z gęsiny
Goose drumsticks with apples and plum sauce...
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danie z gęsiny
Goose with plums and celery...
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danie z gęsiny
Malayan goose...
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100% premium quality natural

Bureau Veritas Cerification
Zakład wylęgowy BOLEMIN
Dear customers!
Poultry processing plant in Bolemin has many years of experience and tradition in poultry industry. We specialize in production and export of Polish geese fed with oat.

Our plant is equipped with a technological line meeting the EU standards and placed on the Chief Veterinary Officer's List as a company having EU eligibilities (nr PL 08013907WE).

Economic activity of the company is developing on several related stages of production, constantly monitored and supervised by our qualified staff to ensure customers the highest quality products.

Integrated stages of production:
  • Production of geese eggs at the laying farms
    Long-term contracts with breeders, who under strict veterinary and zoo technical checks provide geese eggs.

  • Production of goslings in our hatchery
    From the eggs provided by the breeders, in our hatchery in Stare Polichno we produce goslings.

  • Geese breeding
    Day-old goslings go to the breeders farms, cooperating with the company or to our farms. Geese breeding takes place under the constant zoo technical and veterinary supervision.

  • Production in Processing Plant Bolemin
    Mature geese go to Processing Plant in Bolemin, which target is the constant care of the product quality and customer satisfaction.
Zakład Drobiarski Bolemin // 66-446 Deszczno, Bolemin 6
Tel: +48 95 75 11 520 // Fax: +48 95 75 11 244
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